Top Sport Performance Tips
by Dr. Steven M. Gillis

Read Top Sport Performance Tips by Dr. Steven M. Gillis to learn more about Steven M. Gillis, DC and our Chiropractic office in Los Angeles, CA.

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Sports Rehabilitation West Hollywood CA Athletic Performance
Almost everyone knows the symbolic goal of Mount Midoriyama.  The pinnacle test, which American Ninja Warrior contestants will train year round to reach and push their bodies to the edge of better, stronger, and faster.  Whether active participants or avid watchers, we witness incredible strides in our bodies’ performance when the correct elements, techniques, and training are applied.

The miraculous nature of our sports performance techniques is not only building strength to strength but also maximizing the human frame’s small or large repair cycle to continue to create a top athlete.

Research on the Secrets of Sports Performance

We long to discover and duplicate the secret recipe of a top athlete.  We avidly search for a person or team who can help you build a stronger body while increasing performance. Still, we know the secret to rehabilitating an injured area and rejuvenating the area to be better and stronger than before.

A research project published in the September 2005 edition of The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics showed that spinal dysfunction affects reaction times and performance.  It was merely able to prove that spinal dysfunction is related to slower and less accurate reaction times and cognitive function.

Another double-blind, randomized study was also performed on thirty volunteers who had presented with what the researchers called “cervical spinal joint dysfunction.”  This study consisted of various computer-based tasks performed by the volunteers to determine various reaction times.  Researchers at the New Zealand Chiropractic College examined the volunteers to assess areas of spinal dysfunction.  A baseline note was made on each subject indicating the number of regions of spinal dysfunctions they had.  The volunteers’ reaction times were then compared to their number of areas of spinal dysfunctions to see if there was any relationship.

The results showed a connection between the number of areas of spinal dysfunction and certain types of reaction times.  Researchers also noted that the variety of reaction times affected by multiple areas of spinal dysfunction was related to impaired cortical processing and significantly less accurate response selection.  They found that the more areas of spinal dysfunction, the more it affected reaction times.

Finally, a follow-up study by the researchers concluded that certain reaction times improved with spinal adjustments in regions of spinal dysfunctions.  The ramifications of this study supported the effects of chiropractic adjustments on general health and offered the basis of training and rehabilitation benefits to top athletes.

Top Notch Sports Medicine Top Team Tips:

In addition to adding chiropractic and spinal rehabilitative care, top healthcare experts recommend following the tips below to ensure you are well-prepared to play full-out in any sport:

Proper Nutrition

  • Eat a well-balanced diet and avoid skipping meals.
  • Follow dietary rules imposed on certain sports participants, without which optimum performance is unlikely.
  • Maintain a healthy weight while in training.  Be aware of the calorie intake to burn ratio.

Proper Hydration

  • Hydration is vital to optimal fitness.
  • Drink at least 8 eight-ounce glasses of water a day.
  • Ask for advice when considering using a good quality sports drink as a source of replenishment.

Stretching and Warm-ups

  • Before every event – competition or practice – Warm Up!
  • Jogging, jumping rope, and lifting light weights are all excellent ways to avoid torn or ripped muscles.

Nutritional Boost

  • Multi-vitamins may help avoid a deficiency.
  • B-complex vitamins and amino acids can help reduce pain after contact sports.
  • Thiamine helps promote healing.
  • Vitamin A is good for scar tissue.

Proper Rest

  • Get eight hours of sleep a night to avoid adversely affecting performance.
  • Fatigue can appear as irritability and a loss of interest in the sport.

 Join Our Team!

As many top athletes know, being in the top 1% includes having regular chiropractic care.  Having their bodies in optimal health and alignment allows them to achieve optimal results.

Our expert team was designed with that premise in mind.  To play like a pro, you must train, heal, and recover like a pro for maximized potential and ultimate success.

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For Your Health,

Dr. Steven M. Gillis

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