The Chiropractic Solution – The Sum of the Whole
by Dr. Steven M. Gillis

Read The Chiropractic Solution – The Sum of the Whole by Dr. Steven M. Gillis to learn more about Steven M. Gillis, DC and our Chiropractic office in Los Angeles, CA.

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Physiotherapy Los Angeles CA
Chiropractic Care has evolved since its birth in 1895.  In addition to helping people in pain, chiropractors help people heal more effectively, which helps them regardless of their diagnosis. Research has demonstrated that people receiving regular long-term care have better physical and emotional health, adapt to stress more effectively, and show greater and greater degrees of quality of life.  To help with the modern-day repetitive stresses and injuries created and sustained in our technologically advancing society, the chiropractic profession has stepped up and adapted each step of the way.

One Addition

One such addition is physiotherapy.  Physiotherapy was indoctrinated into chiropractic care early in its history. Today’s Chiropractic Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (DACRB) Specialist is a chiropractor who has had extensive postgraduate training in physiologic therapeutics and rehabilitation to help treat injuries that may have been caused by auto, the workplace, or sports.

A DACRB practitioner uses a variation of active and passive treatments that include chiropractic adjustments and coping strategies patients can use to lessen the fear of pain and help reduce anxiety and depression. After an accident or injury, a patient is likely to have musculoskeletal imbalances. A DACRB specialist’s goal is to restore balance, strength, and muscle tone to the musculoskeletal system through the use of therapies and targeted exercises to ensure stability and help prevent a re-occurrence of the problem.

Importance of Patient Education

People who have been in an accident or suffer from chronic back pain often require extra effort to address the amount of strength and range of motion that has been lost.  These cases require physical therapy and patient education so that the effectiveness of chiropractic treatments will last longer and the recovery time from the injury will be shorter.

Specialized Rehabilitation Programs

A DACRB specialist will design a structured rehabilitation program that is custom to your particular condition. In many cases, this will include specific sets of exercises you can do at home. You will also be taught the correct way to stretch so that you can avoid further injury to your soft tissues. These will help restore coordination, balance, and posture and make your future chiropractic adjustments more effective.

Ready to Start!

If you are ready to gain back and keep the quality of life, you desire throughout life, Call Today!  Our fantastic team will start with a thorough examination and consultation to best determine the best course of care for you to achieve just that!

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For Your Health,

Dr. Steven M. Gillis

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