Posts Tagged ‘Sciatica Los Angeles CA’

Welcome to Steven M. Gillis, DC's Sciatica Los Angeles CA Archive. Here you can learn more about Steven M. Gillis, DC, Chiropractic, and Dr. Steven M. Gillis, today's choice for Chiropractors in Los Angeles, CA. Read Dr. Steven M. Gillis's Chiropractic Sciatica Los Angeles CA for the health of it.

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A New Health Warning Label For Chairs?

Neck Pain Los Angeles CA Pain Relief

Ads, Glorious Ads!  How would we know what we want with out being told, sung to, danced, designed, and trailered.  But, on the flip side how far has society gone on adding warning labels to everything?  Now its chairs due to poor health conditions that can be attributed to habitual sitters (just like smokers).  What's ...


Celebrate Freedom From Sciatica in Los Angeles

Sciatica Los Angeles CA Pain Relief

The summer of patriotic celebration is here!  As we should be enjoying the warm weather, barbecues, and standing with our friends and families in celebration, many of us are striped with low back and leg pain which puts our body at full attention of misery. Flagging the Pain Source Your sciatic nerve is the longest and widest ...


The Dreaded Pins and Needles

Numbness Los Angeles CA Pinched Nerve

We have all experienced the dreaded pins and needles after we have sat on our feet too long or laid on our hands incorrectly.  But what if that severe irritating intense buzzing pain did not resolve after a few minutes and began to radiate up our arms or legs?  Simply said, it would make our ...


Weed Out Back Pain!

Back Pain Los Angeles CA Work Injury

April showers bring May flowers, but what can May flowers bring?  That is right - possible back pain.  As springtime gets under way,  we head outside into the warm weather and begin the spring clean in our garden.  We are invigorated by the warmth and begin tackling the garden in Gung-ho style. Although gardening can ...


Is Piriformis Syndrome the Cause of My Sciatica?

Piriformis Syndrome Los Angeles CA Sciatica

Are you suffering with leg pain that may burn, ache, and radiate to your knee or worse yet be felt down to your toes?  The bad news is that it hurts tremendously and you have become tired with the pain of trying to "cure" the problem with your leg.  The great news is that it ...


Steven M. Gillis DC