Archive for the ‘Health Articles’ Category

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All Stressed Out! – Get the Chiropractic Solution!

Stress Relief Los Angeles CA

Our lives today have become congested and overrun with stress.  The effects of stress are seen across the nation at an earlier age and with more detrimental health effects.  Stress can be caused by a number of factors, both personal and professional. In most cases, though, it is the result of the difference between what ...


Helping Athletes Achieve Top Marks

Sport Injury Treatment Los Angeles CA

As the national anthem ends, your heart pounds, the sound of the fans rings in your ears with a blur as the energy that cannot be contained any longer takes hold and bursts forth as you prepare to take the field. For generations our country has a great passion for sports.  With each generation,  kids are ...


Understanding Scar Tissue

Injury Pain Relief Los Angeles CA

Our body has a miraculous way of healing it self but also protecting damaged areas.  Scar tissue is one of the body's natural reactions to injury, no matter how small or slight.  Everyday actions that most people would not regard as an injury can create scar tissue.  The soft tissues in our body are made ...


Sleep Your Way to a Better Weight

Los Angeles CA Sleep Wellness

You may have heard that the less sleep you get, the more likely you are to gain weight.  How exactly does this happen?  Our body is maintained by a series of delicate balances that help us maintain a set “level” that keeps us healthy.  Many of these set points are balanced by hormones that regulate ...


Start Strong Stay Strong!

Children and Chiropractic Los Angeles CA

Your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc., are a true gift.   We are first taught just how precious this gift is when our children are born. Sunshine is in a child’s smile and we can think of nothing more beautiful or precious. So often there is a disconnection when we talk about how important it is that ...


Helping You Return to Your Game from Tendonitis

Tendonitis Los Angeles CA

Are you sitting in the stands watching the game due to pain?  Our lifestyles of wanting to work and play full out are sometimes hampered due to the wear and tear on our bodies.  One such repetitive injury suffered most often is Tendonitis. What is Tendonitis? Our tendons are made of strong, ropy fibers of collagen that ...


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