Holidays are often filled with stress but the 2020 end-of-year reflection is one for the record book for being filled with vicious cycles of stress. Although occasional stress can improve our focus and performance, chronic stress causes anxiety, depression, and lowered immune response, leading to many more serious health problems. Unfortunately, we can not control our stressors, but we can control how we manage our stress. We can help to relieve our stress levels by putting our daily problems and worries into perspective. There are also many techniques and strategies that help relieve the effects of stress on our physical and mental health. Here are a few techniques that can help alleviate your stress:
Positive Thinking
Keeping a positive mindset can help to reduce your stress levels significantly. Looking at situations and having a positive outlook on them will help you tackle them with much less stress.
Enjoy the Outdoors
We have spent a particularly high amount of time indoors this year. Force yourself to reconnect with the outdoors. Step outside, take a walk and breathe in the fresh air.
Try Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy has been recognized around the world as a complementary therapy for dealing with chronic stress and pain. Smelling these essential plant oils can help you unwind and relax your body and mind. In particular, lavender and orange scents have been shown to enhance levels of relaxation and reduce anxiety.
Have a Cup of Tea to Help You Relax
We use coffee during stressful times to help keep us going. Why not give yourself a break and relax with a cup of tea. Studies have shown that drinking tea for 6 weeks helps to increase relaxation and lower stress levels. Drinking tea regularly can also reduce inflammation and potentially benefit the health of your heart. Want an added benefit for the holidays? Add a bit of cinnamon.
Have a Laugh
Laughter has been proven to help boost the immune system, increase pain tolerance, and enhance mood and creativity. It has also been said to prevent depression by putting our troubles into perspective. Humor has been related to happiness, which has been linked to high self-esteem and feeling in control.
Maintain a Strong Support System
Social support is a key factor in reducing stress levels. People with low social support are more likely to experience an increase in blood pressure under stress. On the other hand, those who are active and socially involved are at lower risk of developing serious health problems, for example, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The key is that maintaining strong, healthy relationships will help to reduce your stress levels.
Try Meditation
Meditation has gained popularity over the last few decades as a key relaxation and pain relief tool. Try to quiet your mind. Let your mind clear the stresses and distractions in life. It has been proven to enhance the quality of life and potentially benefit our immune system. Visualization and guided imagery have also shown promise in stress relief and pain reduction.
Exercise Regularly
To get the best out of your body and mind, try exercising regularly. Exercise helps to relax your mind whilst getting your body into good physical shape. Studies have shown that exercise will reduce depression and improve healing time. Some forms of exercise, such as Tai Chi, are suitable for all ages and can enhance heart and lung function and improve balance and posture.
Get Adjusted
Chiropractic adjustments help to relieve stress in several ways. The act of adjusting the spine can release the tension held in muscles, which relaxes the body and increases blood circulation.
Connect With Us!
Whichever stress-relief method you choose, make sure that it becomes a habit and use it! Ensure that there is always time in your day to relax and have time for yourself.
Visit our team and see what we can do to alleviate your stress.
For Your Health,
Dr. Steven M. Gillis